what is your true zodiac sign?
Your true zodiac sign calculator
*When the final horoscope emerges, look for "Your Astronality Combination" in the the central block. Then read about the same in the book.

We offer you this free tool which will calculate your birth chart accurately.

You can either read your own birth chart or get it read by a competent astrologer.

This calculator also helps you know in which zodiac signs your 'personal' planets are placed.

Sun, Mercury and Moon are the personal planets that determine the personality of an individual.

You may be in for a shock…what you thought all your life to be your Sun Sign….need not necessarily be correct! Just check it out!

In Astro-Psychology, Sun rules the self-the ego. Mercury rules the thought processes and Moon rules the emotions. We call it the 'Astronality' (Astro-Personality)

The book 'What is your true zodiac sign' by Greenstone Lobo will give you detailed descriptions of the 186 types of Astronalities based on the permutation and combination of the placement of Sun, Mercury and Moon.

Once you know your combination you can read the appropriate chapter from the book to know more about yourself or someone else

So…what's your true zodiac sign combination?

Your true zodiac sign calculator
*When the final horoscope emerges, look for "Your Astronality Combination" in the the central block. Then read about the same in the book.

To access Scientific Astrologer Greenstone Lobo’s True Zodiac Sign calculator pls use the following path.
1. Go to www.greenstonelobo.com
2. Click on ‘Free horoscope’ and access the calculator.

We offer you this free tool which will calculate your birth chart accurately.

You can either read your own birth chart or get it read by a competent astrologer.

This calculator also helps you know in which zodiac signs your 'personal' planets are placed.

Sun, Mercury and Moon are the personal planets that determine the personality of an individual.

You may be in for a shock…what you thought all your life to be your Sun Sign….need not necessarily be correct! Just check it out!

In Astro-Psychology, Sun rules the self-the ego. Mercury rules the thought processes and Moon rules the emotions. We call it the 'Astronality' (Astro-Personality)

The book 'What is your true zodiac sign' by Greenstone Lobo will give you detailed descriptions of the 186 types of Astronalities based on the permutation and combination of the placement of Sun, Mercury and Moon.

Once you know your combination you can read the appropriate chapter from the book to know more about yourself or someone else

So…what's your true zodiac sign combination?